Sunday, June 17, 2012

Market food and more!

Well, Daniel and I have decided to move into my parent's basement apartment. We will likely move at the end of Aug, so really I have plenty of time to pack, but I have been super stressed this week about moving trucks, money, excess furniture, and more. I am also stressed about food because I need to keep canning lots so we actually have food to eat this fall/winter/spring, but that means we will have lots of glass jars to move. It also means I need money now for the cost of canning (which, all things considered, is not expensive, but the problem is that I am paying for, essentially, six months of food in advance). Anyway. I have spent so much time stressing and planning (and taking breaks to de-stress on pinterest) that I have not updated my blog. story of my life.

So, here is the wonderful variety of food I bought at the market this weekend :)

 Have you ever had purple bell peppers? They are my favorite. They have the high water content and
crunch of the green but the sweetness of the yellow. So so good. The stringy things up front are garlic something-or-others. I cannot remember the name, but i am planning on sauteeing them with my chard. The sheep cheese you see here is very, very delicious. It has a texture similiar to goat cheese, but a little rougher/less smooth. It is expensive, so we only get in once in awhile, but it really goes well with anything tomato. The fresh basil is divine.

Speaking of is so so beautiful!!!! The rainbowness of it beats starburst any day hands down. I have never had it before, but the farmer gave me some tips on how to eat it (steamed or sauteed), so I feel well prepared to try :)

And of course, I would never leave the market without oodles of tomatoes from my favorite stand :). These are amazing! 

Here is the full spread:

Things I did not already discuss: the fabulous parsley on the cutting board, the herbs in baggies (including more basil and apple mint, a mild, sweet mint), yellow squash and zucchini, cucumbers, sweet onions, lettuce, dill heads.

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